Winston Churchill on the American Civil War

Date: May 5, 2022
Location: Zoom

Thursday, May 5, 1 p.m. CT (Zoom webinar)

Join Lincoln Presidential Foundation CEO Erin Carlson Mast for a discussion with Lee Pollock, Trustee and Advisor to the Board of The International Churchill Society, who will share Winston Churchill’s fascination with the American Civil War and what it reveals both about Churchill’s view of history and about the War itself. This program is free to the public.

Winston Churchill is recognized as one of the great statesmen of modern times, famous for his leadership of Britain in the Second World War and forging an alliance with the United States.

Churchill was an accomplished orator, writer, and historian. Half American himself, he was fascinated from childhood with a pivotal event in U.S. history, the American Civil War. During his long life, he traveled widely, visiting battlefields and analyzing its main events and leading personalities, from President Abraham Lincoln to General Robert E. Lee.

Churchill’s understanding of the American Civil War deeply influenced his view of the United States and its people and of the nature of war itself.