Support of the Lincoln Presidential Foundation provides access to educational programming and research related to the life and legacy of Abraham Lincoln, in cooperation with other entities.  

Visit our YouTube channel to watch digital programs like our popular Four Score Speaker series, featuring some amazing historians, authors and historical interpreters.

Lincoln Presidential Foundation YouTube page

LPF Warning Signs - TEASER - THUMBNAIL.jpg

Warning Signs: Trailer

Lincoln’s Response to Rising Tensions in the 1850s is a new film series focused on stories of political polarization and violence in the decade preceding secession.

Watch the Warning Signs Trailer

Lincoln looks off into the distance standing in front of Lincoln's home in Springfield, Illinois.

Broken Compromise

 As the nation emerges from the Mexican-American War, questions about slavery in the newly acquired territories reignites debates about freedom, justice, and democracy. Learn more about the Compromise of 1850 and its controversial Fugitive Slave Act provision.

Watch Broken Compromise